Wednesday, May 23, 2007


First order of business: I noticed there was a problem with the pictures and when I clicked the link not all of the pictures came up, but I think I fixed it, so now if you click the link below again, there should be 40 pictures for you to see. If you can't get all 40, please let me know and I'll try to fix it again.

I think I figured out how to walk to work so today I'm going to try walking home and see if I got the route right. Hope I don't get lost! *(^_^)* It's gotta be better than taking those darn trains.

Tonight is the night I'm playing at the club. I'm real nervous, but luckily my throat feels a heck of a lot better today than yesterday. I guess the strange Japanese medicine is doing its thing.

A little info about my bosses:

Ted has been to Missouri only twice. He's actually from Denver, and he came to Japan almost 5 years ago to work as a headhunter for a recruiting firm. Then two years ago he started working for Missouri. I have a shirt of a colorado beer called 90 Schilling that Maggie gave me and it turns out its Ted's favorite beer!

Shino I dont really know much about yet because I havent had much time to talk with him, but the reason he didn't come to work on monday was because he was flying in from Hawaii, where he had done a triathlon. So hes really athletic. He ran the NYC marathon a couple times, too. Apparently every time he goes on a trip to go to an athletic events he ends up meeting a Japanese celebrity randomly. This time he was on the same flight with a Japanese pop star and he sent her a message via flight attendant and she invited him to talk to her. Lucky guy, hehe.

later this week it looks like we'll be going to some golf stores around the area for our client Sassy Swings (Mom, you would probably love this).

They have just started selling their products in a few chain stores here, but their contact is being very unresponsive and unhelpful to them, so we will be going to some stores just to see how well the gloves are selling and which ones are selling better than others, etc. I don't really have any idea how popular golf is in this country, but if it is popular among women, I bet these gloves would sell very well because lord knows how fashionable and cute the women are here.

Okay, I'm going to research some more about this fair I'm going to tomorrow, but I'm sure I will write again later! Sayonara.


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