Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Part 13: Of mice and Men

wow, they've barely given me anything at all to do today. But there's only an hour and a half left until 5:00. I believe I figured out how to walk between work and home. I made a sweet map for myself using google maps and scissors and tape. So I will walk home today to see how long it takes. It's gonna be hooooottt. It was like 22 degrees yesterday and it jumped up to something like 29 degrees today (this is celcius, of course)! I might lose some serious weight this summer, assuming I do, in fact, walk every day, because it's really hilly in this area. Plus, I won't be eating at Steak 'n Shake every other day; I'll actually be eating some decent food. I have yet to eat at McDonalds or MOS Burger or anything like that, and I'm going to try to avoid it as much as possible. There is a kitchen in the building that I'm staying in, but I'm wary of it because I have yet to see anyone use it, and there are a few dead bugs on the floor. Okay, I probably won't lose a lot of weight, but maybe a little. That would be a nice change from steadily gaining...

One little thing I really like is that EVERYBODY (or at least every male) here carries around handkerchiefs. Because everybody wears a suit every day for work, even in the summer, and they get extremely hot and sweat a lot, so when they sweat, they wipe it off with their handkerchiefs. I was prepared for this and so I brought a 6-pack of hankys with me, but I never knew how much I would really appreciate having it. I'll probably continue carrying one around with me even after I go back to St. Louis. It feels so good in that moment you wipe the sweat from your brow... You get a quick burst of coolness and it's really wonderful. In fact, I forgot to take mine with me to lunch today and I got really upset! I thought to myself "what will I do if I sweat?! How will I cool myself down?!" hehe. As if it was the end of the world.

I wouldn't be so nervous about this show tonight if I could just practice somewhere!! I was hoping maybe they'd let me go in early and practice a little before they open up, so I'm gonna try to do that, at least. I can't even really practice singing anywhere without people thinking I'm crazy.

Did I mention that Ted invited me to play street hockey with him? He plays every Sunday with a group of mostly foreigners, and a few Japanese people. They have a website, too:
It looks like fun so I'm definitely gonna play sometime. gaijin means "foreigner," by the way. He said they all suck, so I guess I would fit right in.

Alright, time to wind down the work day and get ready for my trek home. Talk to y'all tomorrow.


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