Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Hiya folks.

I'm writing early today because I don't think I'll get another chance to later on. Here's todays agenda:

Morning: Travel to various golf shops around the city, gathering information for a client ("Sassy Swings"). That should bring us right up to...


Afternoon: Off to Tokyo Big Sight for another trade fair. Today it is... ifia Japan! I'm actually excited about this. A food convention! Come on! That's gotta be awesome!

That should take up the rest of the work day. Then tonight is a big night as well. I'm playing again at the same club as last week. They invited me back, and this time they're giving me ten more minutes than last week! I've been busy getting prepared, and I think I'm ready. I'm so excited. Plus, most of the people from last week should be back, so I can really start making some friends here. I already sorta made one.

Oh! Speaking of which, I made friends with one of the receptionists in my building. She's really nice. I came into the office last night to get some work done and to practice singing since I can't really do it at home, and she was here (she had to work 'til 9 pm = sucks), so we got talking for a little while. She wrote her name down for me, it's Hachiya Tomoe. Hachiya being the family name, and Tomoe being her own name. I invited her to the show tonight, but she said she has to work. Oh well. She said maybe next time.

I had dinner with Michael last night at this tiny place right around the corner from my apartment which specializes in maguro, which is basically raw tuna meat. I had maguro kim chi and it was soooooo good! They also had 100 yen glasses of beer, which is just amazingly cheap (it's hard to find beer for less than 600 yen a glass)! So I'll definitely have to go back there in the future.

Also, Grant and Michael are leaving Tokyo today, which is sad. They are off to Hiroshima and then Kyoto for a week, but then they'll be coming back to Tokyo again for one night before they go back to America, so at least it won't be the last I see of them.

They went on a day trip to Kamakura on Monday and showed me some pictures and now I really want to go there. There's all sorts of temples and stuff, and a giant Buddha. I'll have to go there one day on a weekend. I should have gotten a Tokyo guide book before I came here. That was kind of silly of me. I'll have to try and find a bookstore with English books here. I'm sure there are some around somewhere.

Okay, time to get ready to head out to the golf stores. Mata, ashita ne! (Until tomorrow)

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