Thursday, July 12, 2007

Ruby Room Finale

Last night I played at the Ruby Room for the final time. It was also the most crowded it's ever been when I've played there, partly because all of my friends came to see me. I wasn't at my best, probably mostly because I haven't played or practiced at all in the past few weeks, but I wasn't bad (I think) and I got some compliments from strangers (one guy even invited me to play in a battle of the bands he's organizing, but it's after I leave) so it couldn't have been that bad. Also, I asked one of my friends to play drums with me on a few songs, which was awesome. I've never played with a drummer before, which probably also contributed a little to the performance being not as good as it could have been, just because I wasn't used to playing with a beat, but I really liked it.

We had a hell of a time, but I was a bit quieter than usual (and I'm usually fairly quiet), I suppose because I knew it would be the last time I would see most of them for a while. I got everybody's email address and everything, so I'm set. Acco, the unbelievably cute bartender, was really sad too, but she gave me a free drink and asked me what I wanted and I asked her what she likes to drink and she gave me a glass of beer with plum sake mixed in and it was delicious. Also, Tatsu, the manager of the Ruby Room, made me a promise that if I come back within a year and need a job, he would let me work there! How awesome would that be?! I'm sure I won't need a job when I go back, but maybe I could work there part time. I would make a lot of friends, I'm sure.

Today, Shino-san is taking me to a baseball game after work!! I'm so excited. It was one of the things on my list of things I have to do before going back to the US. Of course, there were only two things on the list: play a concert, and go to a baseball game. I set my sights low. I like to make sure I can achieve my goals. haha.

Speaking of lists, I now have a short list (also only two items) of things I want/need to do (and the reasons why) before coming back to Japan:
1) Lose some weight (so I can fit into more clothes here because I absolutely love Japanese fashion)
2) Learn to play guitar (because it's far more portable than a keyboard and makes performing way easier--I could even perform on the street, which you can't do with a keyboard cuz you need power)

I am actually considering signing up for guitar lessons at Wash U, if I have time for them.

Take care everybody! Until next time...

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