Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Back to the old grind

Happy Tuesday, folks. I'm back at work, once again.

Last night I ended up not going to the Rock Factory and stayed home (I know, 2 nights in a row!). Yuki decided she wasn't going to go so I thought it might be nice to have another night to myself and get another good night's sleep, too. So that I did. I spent the evening watching various videos online, chatting with a few of my neighbors, etc. There are people in my building from all over, by the way. I can't remember whether or not I've talked about this before, so I'm gonna go ahead and briefly list some of the places that people are from that live in my building: Colombia, Brazil, Chile, Ghana, France, Germany, USA, Japan. Pretty cool, huh? My favorite is this guy Mauricio, from Brazil, who doesn't talk much, but is incredibly friendly. He always wants to give me a hand shake whenever I see him, but he won't say a word. Even if I say like "hey, what's up," etc. He'll just nod his head, shake my hand (maybe even more than once) and then walk away. He looks to be about my age, maybe slightly older. He's funny. My Spanish (or Portugese? what do they speak there?) is a bit rusty, and his English is not good, but we both speak Japanese (although him not half as well as I do--not to brag, just saying), so we use that to communicate in what little amounts we do.

Today is a luncheon for the American State Offices Association (ASOA). Missouri is, of course, a part of the group (Ted is actually Vice President of the Association), so we will be attending. There are 30 states that have offices in Japan, and of those 30, 25 are members of the ASOA. Should be cool to meet people from all over the US. It's taking place at the New Ohtani Hotel. I have no idea where that is, but I can't imagine it's very far, seeing as the US Embassy and most of the state offices are right around here.

Tonight I have no concrete plans, but I was thinking about going to the Ruby Room, this time just as a spectator. They have open mics on both Tuesday and Wednesday. Wednesday, the one I've been going to every week, is more for acoustic-style music/bands, whereas Tuesday is for anything else (plugged-in rock-style mainly). I know a couple people who apparently play there every Tuesday, so I thought I might go and check it out. I still need to find a new pair of jeans because I'm still switching between the same 2 pairs every day and, while I have of course been washing them, I just feel like I need to mix it up a bit more. So I might go shopping beforehand and then head over to the Ruby Room. That's a good plan.

Speaking of washing, I'm rather enjoying this routine of doing laundry once per week (because I only brought about 10 days worth of clothes). Usually, when I'm at home, I let it build up and then I do a bunch of loads about once a month--and I always dread doing it. But doing it once a week here has meant that it's only been one load each time, so it's not cumbersome at all and it gives me some good relaxing time. I really should continue this pattern after returning home.

Well, no real exciting stories this time, sorry about that. I suppose that's all I've got for now. Until next time...

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