Friday, June 8, 2007


Hey everyone! I'm just getting ready for bed. I had a pretty good Friday. The Interior Lifestyle fair was really awesome. Unfortunately, photography was prohibited at the whole event (unless you were press), but I did managed to sneak in some pictures before someone stopped me, so I do have some pictures. I'll upload those later. I don't really know what to say about the Interior Lifestyles fair. There was SO much there. It was quite large. Two floors worth of convention halls (4 convention halls altogether). It was cool, though.

Tonight I went to do some karaoke with Aya and Yuki, but Yuki couldn't make it, so Aya invited another friend of hers, named Sa. She was very friendly, and loved aiko (one of the few Japanese musicians I know, and probably the only one I can actually sing along to), so we sang a lot of aiko songs together. Really fun. 3 hours of karaoke can really hurt the voice. You gotta keep on drinking to fight back the burning feeling. Aya was getting a cold, so she didn't sing a whole lot, but she did bust out on some English songs, which I was very impressed with, seeing as she really doesn't speak any English at all. She said she was reading the English on the screen (rather than the Japanese they use to spell it out phonetically), but didn't really get the meaning of most of what she was saying. But still, she could pronounce things correctly, so that was cool. They were quite impressed with my ability to sing Japanese songs, as was expected, but in the same way, I don't really understand everything I'm singing, I'm just reading it out phonetically. Haha. Still, not bad. I really want to go again. Sa may be coming to see me play at the Ruby Room next week (Aya will definitely come, she said). I had my camera in my jacket pocket, but I took it off inside because it was hot, and I totally forgot about my camera, so I have no pictures of karaoke. Sorry! I really need to get better about that. I just prefer to focus on enjoying the company rather than taking pictures (not that that can't be enjoyable too, I guess I just never think about it).

Tomorrow I'm going to this used items sale that Kie organized and probably hanging out with Kie afterwards, although she said she wasn't sure how busy she would be afterwards, so who knows. I do have multiple options for tomorrow night, though. Of course, if Kie is free, I'll most likely spend the time hangin with her, cuz I haven't seen her in a week. Yuki also invited me to come with her to see a friend's live. And Satoshi invited me to go to a club with some of his friends. If I do decide to go to the club, that will have to end up being an all-night thing because the club doesn't open until 11 (and the trains stop around midnight; and taxis are insanely expensive here, so a lot of clubs and bars actually stay open until about 6 AM, when the trains start up again), so this will require a bit of planning/preparation. It will be saturday night, so I could do the all-night thing if I wanted. Who knows...

Well, for now I'm off to bed. More stories to come. Love, Lawrence

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