Thursday, June 7, 2007

Putrid Purple Lollipop

Another successful show at the Ruby Room last night. I'm not sure if it was me, or the sound, but I felt like I kept getting off-key about halfway through each song. And, of course, no one would actually tell me if I was or not, so I'll just never know. But I got good response. Ako asked if I had a CD because she really wants one. So I suppose that's a good sign. I love the Ruby Room crowd because each week there's been at least 2 new people playing, but then there's also some of the same people that keep coming back and are all really friendly and great.

Yuki's set was fantastic last night. I don't know why, but her voice was much cleaner-sounding and her guitar sounded way better, too. She said it was probably because she was a little drunk.

Speaking of drunk, Yuki gave me this drink that is called ウコンの力, or "the power of tumeric," and is in a tiny little bottle that looks like an energy drink, so I was wary of it at first, but she said "No, no. It's good for your liver, and it's what people drink before they go to bed when they drank a lot and have to go to work the next day. It helps prevent hangovers." It didn't taste great, but... well, I didn't drink a whole lot last night, compared to other nights, so I don't know if I even would have had a hangover anyways, but I do feel great this morning. Also, on a related note, I'm glad I now have Japanese friends who can teach me the more useful words that you don't learn in class, such as hangover (二日酔い, futsukayoi) or the verb for getting drunk (酔っ払う, yopparau).

Perhaps the most interesting set from last night, though, was Kyle. Kyle is actually Yuki's English teacher, who came here from Canada last year. It's apparently against, the rules for the teachers in their program to become friends with the students outside of class, so I'm not supposed to tell anyone. So you guys don't tell anyone either, okay? Anyways, Kyle played acoustic guitar and sang with a country-style twang, which I wonder where he picked up because I can't imagine country music is popular in Canada. He opened with a song called "Putrid Purple Lollipop" about a lollipop that he found stuck to his shoe one day and he decided to give it a lick, only afterwards seeing all the nasty crap that was on it. I don't know why you wouldn't assume there was a whole bunch of nasty crap on a lollipop that was stuck to your shoe, but either way the song was hilarious.

I haven't seen Aya since Saturday because she works a lot, but we've been exchanging emails every day. She is having a tough time now because she broke some ribs going skiing in March, but she can't afford to take time off of work because she's supporting herself, so she's been going to work (she's a receptionist/secretary) non-stop despite the injury. Apparently she's still wearing a corsett, too. I mean, I understand you gotta make money, but that's wild. That's gotta be brutal on her body, cuz she works long hours and only gets a vacation day once every week and a half. We are gonna go do some karaoke tomorrow night, though, which should be real fun. I've only gone karaoke-ing with a Japanese person once before and it was a great experience. They get into it. A lot. I'll be sure to take pictures, and I'm sure Aya will take some, too, seeing as I have yet to see her without her camera on hand.

Today Ted is taking me to the Jetro library. Jetro is the Japan External Trade Organization and they publish a lot of market reports, etc. for international importers and exporters. We are going to go and see what we can find out about golf accessories distributors in Japan for one of our clients.

And tonight Michael and Grant are coming back to Tokyo for their final night in Japan. May it be a fun one. They have already made plans for what to do from stuff they found in their guidebook, so I'm just going to be meeting up with them after work and let them guide me around, for a change. It would be nice if they could meet some of my new friends, so Yuki said if we want to meet up for drinks or anything after dinner I should just mail (meaning text message) her.

Love Y'all. Catch you later.

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