Monday, June 11, 2007

Japanese women taking over the world

They could, I tell you. I mean, not only do they have Miss Universe this year, but now I find out they've got the pole dancing world champion (Reiko Suemune, pictured below)! Is there anything more the Japanese women can do to prove their ridiculous awesomeness?!
well, let's see... since Friday night, what have I done?...

On Saturday afternoon I went out to Shimokitazawa, to this used goods fair that Kie (and some other people I don't know) organized for Oxfam Japan, where she volunteers. It was pretty cool, and I got something that was marked for 1500 yen, but somehow managed to get it for 300 yen. It wasn't because of my insane haggling skills, though; it was because the cashier dude was like "yeah, I know it says 1500 yen, but that doesn't really mean anything, it can go cheaper," then he just stared at me waiting for me to say something. I said "Um.... Okay... now what?" *laughing* "allright, how about 300 yen?" "DONE!" haha.

Another pleasant surprise was seeing two of my other friends, Yuta and Yutaka, at the sale as well! What are the odds? They told me they are planning on coming back to the Ruby Room this Wednesday and will play some of their own music this time (they came to see me play last week, but didn't play)! I'm excited. I saw them play like a week and a half ago and they were great.

Kie, unfortunately said she was too busy to hang out (which I had assumed would happen anyways), so that option was crossed off the list for Saturday night. She did say we should go for a meal sometime and that would be wicked. I'm not kidding, that's actually what she said in English. She studied abroad in England for a year, so she speaks basically flawless English, but it's British-style English, which is so amusing to me because I've never heard anyone speak British-style English without having a British accent. She said she was worried about how the sale was going to turn out "because about an hour before it was pissing down outside," which I assumed meant raining hard. So the point is she says things like "wicked" and "loo" and it's basically awesome.

Soon afterwards I received a text message from Satoshi saying that he got a cold and will still be going to the club, but will probably go home very early, so maybe another time would be better, so I crossed that option off the list as well, leaving me with going to another live with Yuki. It turned out to be really fun, and I'm glad I went even though it was the last option on my list. Not that I didn't want to go. The only reason I put it at the bottom was because I've been hanging out with Yuki a lot and figured I should go out with different people. I enjoy hanging out with Yuki, though, because she speaks slowly, so it's really easy for me to understand her. I don't think she's doing it for my sake, either, I think that's just how she normally speaks. Anyways, the live itself was not the greatest. The first two bands I didn't like at all. The second one at least had an interesting sound that set it apart from anything I'd ever heard before, but it just didn't match my tastes. Also, the lead singer of the second band was apparently Yuki's ex-boyfriend. They dated for 3 years and 9 months, but broke up last October. That was a long story that Yuki told me about when we went out to drink afterwards. But back to the live. The third band was the band that we actually went to see, and I really enjoyed them. They were like a modern rock-style 3-piece band. The guitarist was hilarious and kept doing wacky dances and barking into the mic and stuff. Also, Sa--one of the girls I went to karaoke with the night before--was there, so that was cool. She said she definitely wants to come see me on Wednesday. It should be a good show this week! haha. I'm excited.

On Sunday I did something that I don't think I've done at all since I got here: I stayed home almost the whole day. I was originally supposed to go to the Ghibli Museum with Kie, but tickets were sold out. So then we were thinking about going to just do something random, but then it was raining like mad, and I had to do laundry, and she said she had some work stuff to do, so we just canceled altogether. Turned out to be good for me, though. I did my laundry, and then later in the day it cleared up a bit, so I took a little walk and then had dinner and then came home again. I also got to go to bed early (so nice), for once! So yeah, hanging out with Kie was again postponed indefinitely. She said she might come on Wednesday, also.

Well, I don't think there's much of anything going on at work this week, except I think one of our clients is actually coming here on Wednesday-ish. Exciting stuff.

I am off to research some more! Cheers,


edit: I also forgot to mention the olympic women's figure skating gold medalist...

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