Wednesday, June 13, 2007

A giant among men

Well, jeans shopping was harder than anticipated. I mean, I anticipated it being tough, I just didn't realize how tough. I am a giant. A giant, I tell you! But I did manage to find one pair that fit me. And, luckily, they looked quite good. Usually, with pant sizes here they just use the S, M, L scale (on which I am something like XXL), unless they have jeans imported from the US or Europe or something, in which case they use the scale of the respective country. I was able to find some American jeans at just my size. Yay. Way to make me feel like a fat-ass, Japan.

I also tried on some shirts, and let me tell you: I'm a medium in the US. I'm just about an XL here. craaaazy. These people are far too small. It just occurred to me I may have clothing issues if I do end up living here in the future... hmmm... Well, I'll deal with that when the time comes.

The Ruby Room was fun. I told Yuki I would be going and she decided she wanted to go, too, so we were gonna try to meet up for dinner beforehand, but shopping was more difficult and took longer than anticipated, so she went and ate without me. Then we met up at the Ruby Room. It was crazy there! There were so many people! Yuki said it's always that crowded on Tuesday. I wonder why. On Wednesday there's barely anybody aside from the people that go to play. bizarre, n'est-ce pas?

So yeah, real crowded. Fun, though. Met lots of people. Saw Gilly again, although I didn't get to see him play because he didn't start until about 11:30, and I left before then so I could get a decent nights sleep because I will be playing tonight. This girl sat down next to Yuki and me and she looked like she was by herself so I figured I should talk to her. I asked her "一人で来たの?" (Did you come here by yourself?), to which she responded, "what? I'm not Japanese!" That just made me laugh like mad. She certainly looked Japanese, and was dressed like a Japanese girl. Then I just made it worse by following it up with "すみません!" like 3 or 4 times (I'm Sorry!) before I realized I was still speaking Japanese, and then finally made the switch over to English. She moved away from me soon after that. I think I scared her.

When I first walked in, there was an all-girl 4-piece band playing. They were crazy. They were not well-rehearsed, and soooo bubbly. They all giggled like mad anytime anyone made a mistake or they were amused by anything, which was most of the time. So basically they were giggling like the whole time. I walked in in the middle of their set so I didn't hear their introduction, but at the end they said "Thank you, we're the Angry Chihuahuas," **giggle** "come see our concert next week!" **giggle** Then they realized they forgot to tell people where and when the concert was, which just made them giggle more.... Yeah, crazy, I told you.

I guess that's about it. I met some other friends of Yuki's (Yuki apparently goes almost every Tuesday to watch), and one of the guys who played gave me a CD of his (I listened to it, it's not very good). Well, my friend Aya broke up with her boyfriend of about 1 year on Monday night. She said she's doing okay because she's strong, but I can't imagine she's actually doing okay. A week ago she was telling me she would be okay marrying this guy. I supposed that could just be because she's 30 and is really ready to get married, but seriously. I've been worried about her so I've just been sending a lot of emails/text messages back and forth with her, but she keeps telling me "I'm glad youre worried, but I'm fine." Well, she's coming to the show tonight, so I guess we can actually talk for real tonight.

My friend Satoshi will, I believe, be DJing tonight after the open mic. That should be fun.

Oh, did I not talk about yesterdays luncheon? I didn't, did I. It was neat. There were people from the offices of various states (obviously). Almost all of them, though, were Japanese people, and the meeting was done entirely in Japanese, which I was not prepared for. I'm not gonna lie, it was real tough to follow. They were speaking much faster than I am used to. I think I did alright, though. I was allowed to sit in on the executive meeting beforehand, because Ted is VP, but I basically didn't say a word through the whole meeting, until the end when they finished all the stuff on their agenda and they all turned to me (which was crazy scary) and started asking me questions about myself. That part I handled well, I thought. And it was a nice opportunity to practice my formal/polite Japanese, which I haven't used much here. Also, the food was delicious (4-course meal!).

Okay, it's time for my lunch break. take care, y'all.

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