Thursday, June 14, 2007

Man it's a hot one, Like 7 inches from the midday sun...

Alright, Alright. It's just past 9 AM and the work day begins... with a blog post!

First, a few pictures that Ted took of me playing for the second time at Ruby (2 weeks ago)!
Sweet! I like the motion shots, and that last one I think is me playing "You mama you" (a song that only requires one hand on the keyboard).

So, how about last night!!! I know, you guys weren't there, and that's why you're reading this, but seriously. My best performance ever. For sure. Yuki even said "it felt like I was at a real concert." I only had time to play 4 songs, but they were all pretty upbeat and I was a bit more talkative than usual, so that was good. There was actually a heckler! I got heckled by some drunk dude! Hah! After the second song, I started to introduce myself a little more and the guy yelled out (sarcastically) "tell us more about yourself!!" haha. I'll just take it to mean that he liked my music so much he wanted me to keep playing. yup.

The way it works at the Ruby open mic is that you gotta get there early and sign up for whatever time slot you want. I usually shoot for around 9:30, and then Yuki follows after me. My music's a bit lighter than the people that usually play, so I like to get it done early. Apparently they really like me there, though, because last night they asked me to close out the evening, which meant I played in front of the most people (the crowd just gradually grows there as the night goes on)! It was awesome.

I didn't have my camera, but both Aya and Sa had their cameras and were taking pictures of me from the front, so I should have some good pictures coming to you as soon as they send them to me.

The good and bad thing about playing a show that people like is that people will want to buy you drinks afterwards. This did happen last night. I drank far more than I should have for a Wednesday night, but when a Japanese person offers you something, you cannot refuse (it's quite rude). So I just kept drinking. It's a miracle I made it home. Not really. I wasn't that far gone, but still. Before going to bed I drank a bottle of that "power of tumeric" drink and it worked once again!! No hangover whatsoever today. Man, I'm getting lucky in Japan.

Friends that came to see me: Aya (who is, unbelievably enough, actually doing quite well despite the breakup), Sa, Kie... haha, I'm getting popular with the ladies here...

Oh, and Satoshi! He DJed only for a very short while after my show and then another guy took over, but I enjoyed it. He did a great mix of the Jackson 5's "ABC." He will be DJing again on Saturday night at the Ruby Room, so I may go to that. That would, like last week, be an all night event if I decide to go, but it could be worth it. We'll see.

I also met a guy named Ichi who is the bouncer at a dance club and he said he loved my music, and anytime I came to his club he could get me in for free. I have yet to go to any actual dance clubs here, so I'm considering going sometime to check out the scene.

Last point: Kie co-organizes a monthly charity concert for Oxfam (last month's concert is actually where I met her), and she invited me to play at this month's event! I believe it's the last Friday of the month, but I'm not totally sure about that. Woohoo!

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